Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Good blogs to follow

The Most Dangerous Game
I don’t quite agree with many of Proxiehunter’s methods, but he has some good advice for runners.

The Archive
I also have mixed feelings about this organization, but their posts about the Fears (or PREs as they call them) and their operatives are very informative.

Channel Fear
This is another informative blog about Fears and their agents.

Topography Genera Center East
This has started talking less about the Fears, but there is some good information about them in the beginning. It’s hard to understand their names for them at first, though.

The Supernatural Anaesthetist
I definitely do not agree with a lot of these experiments, but I can’t deny that they are informational. Even with a lot of the reports blacked out.

If you have any more good suggestions, please add a link to them in the comments.

Monday, July 30, 2012

What do i do here

I’m not really sure what to do with a blog. I’ve read some other blogs—mostly patients that told me to keep up with them that way—and I can understand what those are about. It’s a good way to update the people you’ve met on how you’re doing. I just sit in one place and patch people up. There’s not a lot of excitement around me other than that.

Actually, I get a lot of patients that don’t have blogs. Like Yuki, who commented on my last post. She said that she was going to try to be more active in the blogging community, but she only has a Google account as far as I know.

I think I’ll start asking patients if they have anything they want to say to the blogging community without having to get a blog. I can also see if I can find out about runners that don’t have a blog, if anyone that reads this has someone in particular they’re trying to find.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello everybody

My name is Dr. Dhaval Mukhopadhyay, but most people just call me “Doc.” I guess that’s easier to say.
I run a free clinic. It is open to the public, but most of my patients are runners. Up until this point I’ve operated solely through word-of-mouth. That method risks some attention from certain unsavory folk, but I always thought it was more secure than advertising everywhere. However, several of my patients have suggested that I join the blogging community. Free clinics that are guaranteed to be Plague Doctor free are hard to come by, and more people need to know I’m here.

So here I am. If you’re hurt or sick and in the Philadelphia area, contact me and I can give you directions to my place. Please be aware that I try not to focus on minor injuries. If it is something you can easily take care of by yourself, try to understand that my time and supplies are limited.

I’m also very much open to monetary donations from those of you that might actually have enough to spare. I don’t take donations of supplies or medicine for obvious reasons.