Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello everybody

My name is Dr. Dhaval Mukhopadhyay, but most people just call me “Doc.” I guess that’s easier to say.
I run a free clinic. It is open to the public, but most of my patients are runners. Up until this point I’ve operated solely through word-of-mouth. That method risks some attention from certain unsavory folk, but I always thought it was more secure than advertising everywhere. However, several of my patients have suggested that I join the blogging community. Free clinics that are guaranteed to be Plague Doctor free are hard to come by, and more people need to know I’m here.

So here I am. If you’re hurt or sick and in the Philadelphia area, contact me and I can give you directions to my place. Please be aware that I try not to focus on minor injuries. If it is something you can easily take care of by yourself, try to understand that my time and supplies are limited.

I’m also very much open to monetary donations from those of you that might actually have enough to spare. I don’t take donations of supplies or medicine for obvious reasons.


  1. Hey, Doc!

    Thanks for all the help you’ve given me.

    I’m glad you finally took my advice.

  2. Guaranteed Plague Doctor free, you say? I'm glad to know people like you exist. Keep up with your work.
